About the Drop

2000 Editions: The Cometary Collection is the artistic embodiment of limitless creativity in anonymity. With this NFT drop, the collector enters the world of Paul Wong, owning a unique visual & musical art piece derived from the generative algorithm that is Paul Wong x AI.
With 4 genres and 2’000 versions of Music-Infused NFT + hand painting music covers by Paul Wong. Each Edition is a completely unique 1 of 1, derived from: AI composition of Paul’s original song into 5 new genres, combined with Programmatically remixing and uniquely combined music stems, paired with Individual Album Cover Art that was hand painted by Paul Wong himself

NFT 项目介绍

2000珍藏版:传奇典藏系列是将无限艺术创造力具像化的呈现。通过这个NFT项目,收藏家将进入了黄贯中(Paul Wong)的内心世界,见证其创作灵感,通过AI生成算法演化而成的每一个独一无二的视觉+音乐的艺术作品。 通过以下方式将4种不同曲风与2000个独特版本的融合音乐NFT+黄贯中手绘唱片封面,每个NFT版本都是独一无二的:
AI音乐算法将黄贯中的原创歌曲生成5种曲风,然后进行 系统自动混编且通过独特方式组合不同音轨,最后配搭 黄贯中亲自手绘和利用算法生成的唱片封面

About the Drop
my Mystery

Isyana Sarasvati ventures into Web3 in collaboration with HarmoniXX with her 1st NFT collection launched by the award winning singer-songwriter and Pop Diva. my Mystery features 2,022 unique generative album covers and full-length tracks solely derived from her latest modern progressive rock single with the same name, my Mystery. The collection celebrates Isyana’s iconic style and creativity while unlocking exclusive VIP benefits curated by Isyana to her fans.

About the Drop

To commemorate the 60th birthday of Wong Kai Kui, the legendary rock musician from the band Beyond, HarmoniXX is once again launching a highly memorable NFT collection. Using modern audio optimization techniques in conjunction with AI, an unreleased original demo made prior to his tragic passing has been restored and generated into 2000 unique song clips. The corresponding generative Album Covers employs a colorful style of pop art known as WPAP and integrates prominent dates and landmarks that celebrates momentous occasions in Wong Kai Kui’s career. Through this never-before-released masterpiece, Wong Ka Kui gives everyone hope and strength, and with his perpetual rock and roll spirit, he inspires generations of people to move forward without being defined.

000珍藏版:传奇典藏系列是将无限艺术创造力具像化的呈现。通过这个NFT项目,收藏家将进入了黄贯中(Paul Wong)的内心世界,见证其创作灵感,通过AI生成算法演化而成的每一个独一无二的视觉+音乐的艺术作品。

为纪念传奇摇滚乐黄家驹60周年辰,继发布个彗星NFT之后,HarmoniXX再次推出极具收藏意义的NFT作品。结合现代频优化及AI技术, 修复还原黄家驹本原声哼唱, 并结合黄家驹前从未世的珍贵原创demo, 成出若份独的乐片段及唱片封.借此作品,赋予家希望与量,以他的’打不死的’摇滚精神, 激励代代的⼈,不被定义,砥砺前⾏.
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